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International IDU Engineering Syposium-IES'23


Please review the entire form before starting to fill it out to ensure you have all the required information. 

After filling all necessary fields below, click 'Make Submission' button at the bottom of this page. Then, go back to previous page and upload your files from 'Upload File' button or just click here to go the same uploading page. While uploading your file, please use the submission ID number that will be given at the end of making submission to you.

General Information
Author 1
Author 2
Author 3
Contact Author
Author who will serve as the point of contact for correspondence about the submission.
Alternate contact information, such as personal email address or telephone number; used only if unable to contact using above email address.
Topic Areas
To help match submissions to reviewers and sessions, please select the area(s) most applicable to your submission

Please enter a password you will remember. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of this form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to this submission.
Please check over your entries, making sure everything is filled out. When ready, click on the Make Submission button below once.


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